head lice
Head lice only live for a day or two once they fall off a person's head.
How to Remove Lice from the Home
Although head lice do not infest the house, basic precautions include:
- Using hot water (130°F) and high heat to wash and dry family bed linens and recently used clothes, hats and towels (and anything else someone with head lice used in the two days before treatment)
- Vacuuming floors and furniture
- Sealing non-washable items in a plastic bag for two weeks
- Soaking combs and brushes in hot water (130°F) for five to 10 minutes
Spending a lot of time, effort and money on home cleanup is not necessary because head lice only live for a day or two once they fall off a person's head.
Head-to-head contact with someone who has head lice is the most common way to get head lice, so all household members and others in close contact should be checked. Those with evidence of an active infestation should be treated.