aims to help moms and families treat head lice with confidence.
About Headfirst!
Headfirst! Expert Advice on Lice is an educational initiative to help moms, families and their communities learn about head lice—what they are, what they look like and how to treat them.
Head lice are a common problem, especially in school-aged children, but they can be hard to treat. If not diagnosed or treated right away, head lice can spread. People with a head lice infestation may feel itchy because of the lice, and they may also feel upset or stressed.
This initiative aims to empower moms and families with expert advice and resources to help them treat head lice with confidence. Head lice are not only a family matter, but a community issue. So, if you are trying to get rid of head lice or a mom who always likes to be prepared, this site is for you.
Our Experts

Wendy L. Wright, MS, APRN, ANP-BC, FNP-BC, FAANP
Wendy is an adult and family nurse practitioner, camp administrator, small business owner and mom. She is also an adjunct faculty member at the University of Wyoming Graduate Nursing Program and the Simmons College Doctor of Nursing Practice Program. Wendy shares her expertise on how to find nits and adult head lice.

Nanette B. Silverberg, MD
Dr. Silverberg is a US News Top Doctor and a mom. She is also a Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. Dr. Silverberg is board certified in pediatric dermatology and practices in New York City, serving as the Director of Pediatric and Adolescent Dermatology at St. Luke's-Roosevelt and Beth Israel Medical Centers. Dr. Silverberg shares her expertise on how to treat head lice.

Darline P. Robles, PhD
Dr. Robles is a Professor of Clinical Education at the University of Southern California (USC), mother to one son and grandmother to a granddaughter. She is also a member of the board of the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and former superintendent of Los Angeles County Office of Education, as well as a principal and teacher. Dr. Robles shares her expertise on finding head lice at school.

Nancy Gottesman
Nancy is a health and nutrition journalist and a mom. She is a contributing editor to New Parent magazine and Baby & Toddler magazine, and has written health and parenting articles for a number of publications, including Parenting, O-the Oprah Magazine, Fitness, Glamour, Fit Pregnancy, Baby Talk and Ladies' Home Journal. She was a senior editor at Shape magazine for 11 years before becoming a freelance writer in 2005. Nancy shares her expertise on talking about and surviving head lice.