Head lice at school

At any point,
one to three percent
of elementary school children may have head lice. During an outbreak, it may be
as high as 25%.
When Head Lice is Found at School
Each year, about one out of every 100 elementary school students will become infested with head lice. At any point, one to three percent of children in elementary school may have head lice. During an outbreak, the percentage of children with head lice may be as high as 25 percent.
Even though most people get head lice in home or community settings, school nurses and/or staff play an important role in finding head lice.
Most schools have policies on finding head lice and treatment requirements, including when to send children home and when they can return to school. Your school nurse can help you understand your school's policy and provide ongoing support.

Darline P.
Robles, PhD
Dr. Robles is a Professor of Clinical Education at the University of Southern California (USC), mother to one son and grandmother to a granddaughter. She is also a member of the board of the National Parent Teacher Association (PTA) and former superintendent of Los Angeles County Office of Education, as well as a principal and teacher.